About Us

A prominent customer centric firm

As a leading global chargeback firm, we have positioned ourselves at the forefront of the industry. Our expertise spans a wide range of online trading scams, including Forex, Binary Options, Crypto, and beyond.

Our Mission

To help people all over the world recover their stolen assets

Our Vision

To maintain one of the highest success rates within the industry.

Our Goals

To build a better world where people do not have to lose their hard earned resources

What Makes Our Services So Effective

We respect your time as much as our own, which is why we ensure complete transparency in evaluating every case.

Record Success Rate

We are proud to uphold one of the highest success rates in the industry.

High Reputation

Our bold approach to confronting scammers has garnered us worldwide recognition.


How to get started

1. Fill the get started form

Click the button below to fill our get started form. Please fill all information correctly, we will use these information to evaluate your case

2. Get a free consultation

We will evaluate your case and assign a your special client support agent to you. Your agent will provide you with all the required information and guide you every step of the way

3. Recovery Process

After the initial evaluation, our technical and legal experts will get to work to recover your funds. Please note that the duration of this process depends on the nature of your case

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